| July 17, 2023 1. Stay alert: Riding is super fun, and when you’re first learning, it’s easy to get distracted. You are dealing with a living, breathing animal who might behave unpredictably. You’ll learn to understand “horse talk” better as you progress, but keep your eyes open and be aware of your horse, other horses around you, and the surroundings. Your toes (and pride) will be happier for it. 2. Protect your feet: Speaking of toes, proper boots are a must. You don’t need to purchase new ones for your first riding experience make sure to wear close toed shoes for sure. 3. Greet your horse: Keep in mind that your horse is a living creature, not a vehicle that you can control at your will. The horse could also be nervous, tired or even scared to have someone new riding him....
Published on 7/17/2023 (1 years 211 days ago)