World-Class Montana Dude Ranch
Family, Friends, Fun & Adventure.
The Bar W is an intimate ranch that will host 32 riders per week (in 2025) in addition to non-riders and children. All guests experience a 6-night package stay, arriving on Sunday and departing on Saturday. Horseback riding is core to a week at the Bar W and with our proximity to public land, we are able to ride on thousands of acres. Other ranch and area activities are boundless as we provide our guests a full western themed vacation complete with hatchet throwing, 3D archery, fly casting, roping, cattle drives, rodeo games, wagon rides, line dancing, branding, and campfires. Or you can always just sit back and relax and let Montana surround you with its big skies, amazing wildlife, and simple serenity.
(406) 863-9099
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