Joe moved to Montana from Tennessee and was looking for work as a wrangler. He first started working inside Glacier National Park doing trail rides in 2018. He heard about Bar W and stopped by one day to check out the ranch in 2019. Bar W Guest Ranch offered Joe a full time wrangler position and he couldn’t pass it up. He’s been at the ranch ever since!
“The thing I like the most about working at Bar W is the staff I get to work with every day, we’re like family. That combined with riding amazing horses across a beautiful landscape can’t be beaten,” exclaimed Joe. When he was promoted to Head Wrangler, Joe was honored. He has been at Bar W Guest Ranch for five years now. Joe is very comfortable filling that role and looking forward to the opportunities that come with it.
If you follow Bar W Guest Ranch on social media, you’ll probably see Cowboy Joe on there frequently. Joe’s love for the western lifestyle and being able to share those experiences with guests transpire through the photos and videos. Being the ‘face of the ranch’ is quite flattering and a big honor to Joe.
Besides Joe’s love of horses, he also loves music. Prior to moving to Montana, Joe lived in Nashville, Tennessee. He worked in the music industry for quite a while and did a lot of songwriting while he was there. He even got a chance to tour with Tim McGraw for a couple of years! If you’ve been a guest at Bar W, you may have heard Joe singing along by the campfires in the evenings – Bar W loves when Joe gets the spotlight.
Some of you may wonder where Joe got his nickname Cowboy Joe. During his first year at the ranch, during one of the Family Weeks, the kids started calling him Cowboy Joe. That name stuck and everyone at the ranch has been using it ever since.
If you make your way out to Bar W Guest Ranch this season, be sure to find Cowboy Joe and say howdy!
Published on 5/6/2024 (311 days ago) Blog